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Hi, I'm Abi!

My page will include a little window into my personality and everyday life. This ranges from some of my past bakes, to book recommendations, to anything else I could possibly want to share with the world! Let's see where this takes us:)

New Voters!

I began my internship at this 501(c)(3) in April 2020 and have developed a love for social media marketing and graphic design. It truly has been an amazing learning experience that I continue to gain valuable knowledge through my Director of Communications position.

brownie squares on graph paper.jpg

I have recently read this book for the fourth time and, although that sounds excessive, I have enjoyed reading it every time because it opens your eyes to the world around you. Penpals, Catlin and Martin, show that friendship has no borders and overcomes any socioeconomic boundaries. It's a touching story that I would highly recommend to anyone because this book, while educational, is a fun and thoughtful read.


I Will Always Write Back

by Caitlin Alifirenka and Martin Ganda with Liz Welch

Brownies (abi's brownies)

Creation date: 19 December 2019

Zoom life



summer mems


boston mems



sunset on the water

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